Days of Purgatory is a mystery thriller set against the backdrop of westward expansion. The action and intrigue rolls across the frontier landscape of the nineteenth century as the ensemble cast of characters is swept along on the currents of time, chance, fate, or destiny. Their lives intersect at those hard crossroads where faith meets reality. From the idealism of the River Brethren of Conoy Creek to the passions of the abolitionist movement, Deke Coburn becomes entangled in the horrors and...
Echoes of Evil rejoins Deacon Coburn and company in a new adventure that picks up storylines and characters from Days of Purgatory and Shadows of Revenge. Joys and sorrows weave through this mosaic narrative, for the pursuit of justice extracts a great price as gripping scenarios unfold and secrets are confronted in the midst of upheaval. True to his sojourner outlook, the whiskey-sipping philosopher from Conoy Creek always comes to the aid of others at just the right time, embodying a theme...
Graveyard Promises is the first installment of The Beadle Files, a hardboiled suspense series set in the Roaring Twenties. Prohibition is the law of the land. Social and economic fluctuations are sweeping across the country, and organized crime has become a volatile influence–it is the era of gangland infighting for territory and control of the flow of liquor. The main character in the ensemble cast is LC Beadle, a World War I foreign correspondent who is now stateside in Durango, Colorado....
Broken Choices, the second installment of The Beadle Files, begins in the midst of bad omens on the high desert of New Mexico, then weaves its hard-edged suspense to the final page. For several members of the ensemble cast, both physical and supernatural threats lurk in the shadows as a dark man masquerading as a crazy-eyed scarecrow invades their consciousness. Storylines take the reader to Rooster's Barnyard on the southern outskirts of Denver, where murder precipitates a change in...
Set in and around the boomtown of Creede, Colorado, in 1892, Altars of Tomorrow is the final chapter of the Deacon Coburn narrative that began in Days of Purgatory. It is a poignant story that explores the triumph of hope and redemption in the context of human frailty. Worn down to a ragged frazzle, the River Brethren man from Conoy Creek arrives in town after being in the saddle for nearly eight months. He discovers his daughter now has two rough and tumble sons running along a thin line...
Grief is universal, permeating all avenues of life on planet earth; no one can escape it. Pain and sorrow come in all different shapes and sizes. An Ordinary Story of Extraordinary Hope accepts that life is hard. It explores the full scope of grief issues to proclaim that grace and hope are stronger than the hardness of life; grace and hope are saturated with redemptive power. The book illustrates how those times of heartache result in growth that shapes our character and perspective. It...