In 1976, a twenty-three year old German girl, named Anneliese Michel, died following months of exorcism sessions. Despite the fact that she had been medically diagnosed with epilepsy and manic depressive psychosis, two priests conducted numerous exorcism sessions and ignored her mental, medical, and physical condition. Doctors would later state that her cause of death was starvation and dehydration. Unfortunately, Ms. Michel's tragic death due to misdiagnosed demonic possession and...
Follow the Right Reverend Bishop John M. Duffey as he explains the duality of human understanding, the complementary natures of science and religion, and the various perspectives regarding the compatibility of science and religion. In this book, Duffey demonstrates the error in believing that science and religion conflict or are incompatible. Science and Religion is a journey through the definitive and complementary natures of religion (all religions) and science on to an explanation and...