This book explores the relationship of clergy to Twelve Step programs. Field research of pastors in the Florida Keys found that they are unsure if addiction is a disease or a sin, and whether the Twelve Steps are based on Christianity. Lessons learned include the validity of both traditional Twelve Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Christ-centered programs such as Celebrate Recovery, the coherence of sin and disease explanations of addiction, and the significance of modern addiction...
This book is the capstone of the ministry of Herbert E. Hudson IV from 1959 to 2020–literally a span of six decades. The sermons are grouped into three periods. Sermons given in Utica tend to be more academic and are termed «The Dawning of Awareness.» Sermons given at Central Square, a time of personal growth and change, are considered as «A Soul in Transition.» Finally, sermons in Key Largo reflect more certainty and trust in life and are referred to as «A Seasoned Spirit.» The balance of this...