Understanding How Asperger Children and Adolescents Think and Learn helps educators appreciate the learning process and improve its effectiveness for students with Asperger Syndrome. The author provides a compelling inside view of how AS pupils perceive and understand what goes on in the classroom, and how they, in turn, are perceived by fellow pupils and teachers. She adopts a pragmatic approach to improving communications in the classroom and offers practical intervention strategies to...
People with Asperger Syndrome (AS) understand and respond to the world in a very different way from people without this condition. The challenge for psychotherapists working with Asperger clients lies in setting aside their own preconceptions and learning to understand their client's perspective. Behaviour that, in a 'neurotypical' client, may be evidence of a problem, in an Asperger client may simply be a manifestation of Asperger ways of approaching the world. Paula Jacobsen, an...