The spread of crystal methamphetamine use sees more and more families face a horrifying reality – their child or spouse or parent is an addict. Their world is a hell where Ice rules and it is far from OK.<br /> <br />Ice took families, society and the drug-addiction treatment sector by surprise. Young users often bypassed alcohol, 'soft' and party drug use, so the first mind-altering substance they try is ice, the world's strongest stimulant. A new kind of mature...
This book is not about drugs, it is about people. It is about those suffering from addiction and the struggles of the people around them. As well as describing how to identify if a loved one is in addiction, it provides clear information about the solution. With the right treatment addicts can recover.<br /> <br />Jackson Oppy has walked the road he describes, knows the pain of addiction and knows the road back to wellness, wholeness and stable family and social life.<br />...