For very high voltage or very high current applications, the power industry still relies on thyristor-based Line Commutated Conversion (LCC), which limits the power controllability to two quadrant operation. However, the ratings of self-commutating switches such as the Insulated-Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) and Integrated Gate-Commutated Thyristor (IGCT), are reaching levels that make the technology possible for very high power applications. This unique book reviews the present state and...
Harmonic distortion problems include equipment overheating, motor failures, capacitor failure and inaccurate power metering. The topic of power system harmonics was covered for the first time 20 years ago and the first edition has become a standard reference work in this area. Unprecedented developments in power electronic devices and their integration at all levels in the power system require a new look at the causes and effects of these problems, and the state of hardware and software...
The development of power semiconductors with greater ratings and improved characteristics has meant that the power industry has become more willing to develop new converter configurations. These new configurations take advantage of the higher controllability and switching frequencies of the new devices. The next few years will decide which of the proposed technologies will dominate future power transmission systems. Flexible Power Transmission is a comprehensive guide to the high voltage direct...