Mattpaul is from the privileged Valley Community and is about to begin a prestigious job. When Chihaysu, a «prophet» who preaches equality amongst the «Haves» and «Have nots» in the world of Caperston, appears, introducing the idea of an unseen ruler named God, chaos follows. The idea of a God is unheard of in Caperston. Chihaysu also speaks out against the inequality of the classes in Caperston and Mattpaul decides to give up his promised job to follow Chihaysu. He enters a conflict where...
Alex, a troubled youth from Earth, travels to the world of Caperston via a wormhole in hopes of resolving his struggles. He meets a messiah, who preaches equality amongst the «Haves» and «Have nots» in Caperston, and his youth followers. Alex finds himself enmeshed in the challenges of their world. The youth, while asking for equality, are attacked as they march to see the Ruler. Alex steps in to stop the carnage but tensions are ready to explode. A short time later the messiah is arrested. ...