These training units elaborate initial actions against the 6-0 defense system as well as variable options for continued playing. The first three training units teach the tactical basics of playing against the 6-0 defense on an individual and a small-group basis. This includes the dynamic piston movement with breaking through decisions as well as the basics of crossing movements and team play with the pivot. The subsequent three training units introduce crossing of the center back with the wing...
Goalkeeper warm-up shooting is essential for almost every training unit. These 60 warm-up shooting exercises provide you with a variety of ideas to make the warm-up shooting challenging and diverse, both for the goalkeepers and the field players. The exercises particularly focus on improving the players’ dynamics even during the warm-up shooting. The exercises are illustrated and described in an easy, comprehensible manner. They can be immediately integrated in every training unit. Whether...
The five training units in this book focus on training of handball basic skills for young players aged 9 to 12 years. The individual training units deal with passing precision, shooting movements, dribbling technique, breaking away from man coverage, and passing feints, respectively. The players develop the individual skills methodically and step by step from basic to complex level. You may adjust the complexity of the exercises to your team’s level of performance by intensifying the individual...
In offensiven Abwehrformationen, die vor allem auf Ballgewinne ausgerichtet sind, kommt dem antizipativen Verhalten und dem Herausfangen von Bällen eine hohe Bedeutung zu. Die vorliegende Trainingseinheit greift dieses Thema bereits beim Einlaufen auf. Nach einem kleinen Spiel wird in Ballgewöhnung und Torhüter einwerfen das richtige Timing beim Abfangen von Bällen geübt. Eine Abwehrübung kombiniert das Abwehrverhalten im 1gegen1 mit dem Herausfangen von Bällen, eine Teamübung trainiert...
Dear reader Thank you for choosing a book of the training guide series. Fast breaks are an important factor for successful handball game outcomes in modern handball. Further positive aspects include motivation of the team through quick goals in connection with demoralization of the opposing team as well as improvement of the attractiveness of the handball game itself. Quick adjustment from defense to offense play after winning the ball (or after a fast throw-off...