Кейт Галлахер не боится темноты. Она охотится на монстров.
Август Флинн – чудовище. Он не может стать человеком. И обречен играть свою партию, чего бы это ему ни стоило.
Темные силы выходят из тени. Война монстров с людьми приближается к кульминации.
This non-fiction short-form eBook features content which is adapted from the audiobook Harry Potter: A History of Magic inspired by the British Library exhibition of the same name.
The history of magic is as long as time and as wide as the world. In every culture, in every age, in every place and, probably, in every heart, there is magic.
This non-fiction short-form eBook features content which is adapted from the audiobook Harry Potter: A History of Magic inspired by the British Library exhibition of the same name.
The history of magic is as long as time and as wide as the world. In every culture, in every age, in every place and, probably, in every heart, there is magic.
This, the latest of Mr- Cabell’s romances, is the story of how a young Southern gentleman ol the early nineteenth century went out of his natural body to journey toward the goal of all the gods; of how he became a god, and rode upon the Silver Stallion; of the Two Truths which he found to be enduring; and of his disastrously happy marriage, and his collapse into an honourable career.