Ludwig ist ein echter bayerischer Lausbub. Voller Gerechtigkeitssinn und List schlägt er sich mit seinen Schulkameraden durch gegen fiese Pauker, Klassenstreber und andere Zeitgenossen mit Neigung zum Oberlehrertum. Seine Stunden im Karzer kann man schon gar nicht mehr zählen. Nur seiner Mama zuliebe gelobt er immer wieder Besserung.
Peter Josyph's the way of the trumpet is the first novel written in haiku form. Read equally well aloud or alone, the way of the trumpet creates its own rhythm while bringing us into the lives of Josyph's highly original, often hilarious and frequently profound characters. This is a departure from literary convention with a highly literate style. The way of the trumpet shows us the novel in truly rare form.
A dark comedy about the afterlife and a gritty fantasy that grapples with big ethical questions A fictional answer to the question: What would it take to prevent violent crime? What would a crime-free world really look like? Controversial story ripped from contemporary headlines of terrorism and violence Stands apart from other supernatural novels by taking the reader on a journey through the main characters’ process of becoming ghosts
Things aren't going Milo's way. His acting career is floundering, he got dumped, his miserable father vanished, and people keep moving into his house. He finally decides to take action — to help the only person he really likes, the autistic boy next door who's being bullied. But, well, that doesn't really go his way either.