Исповедуя расхожий тезис о том, что каждый человек от рождения имеет право быть богатым, автор подробно (на «детском» уровне) разъясняет широкому кругу читателей процессы обращения с деньгами: как их сберегать, как с выгодой тратить, как гасить долги – короче говоря, как заработать первый миллион…
Mom's Got Money is a mother’s guide—an instruction manual to help them use the skills they already possess to become extraordinarily confident managers of their money. Alford won't pretend mothers don't have a lot on their plate. She already knows they're pressed for time. The weight of their daily decisions takes a toll. Sometimes, it feels like they manage everything, whether they have a supportive spouse or not. She knows this because it's that way in her house...
Mom's Got Money is a mother’s guide—an instruction manual to help them use the skills they already possess to become extraordinarily confident managers of their money. Alford won't pretend mothers don't have a lot on their plate. She already knows they're pressed for time. The weight of their daily decisions takes a toll. Sometimes, it feels like they manage everything, whether they have a supportive spouse or not. She knows this because it's that way in her house...
A look at the psychological barriers to financial success and how to create a better financial future When it comes to our relationship with money, we are in the Stone Age. Despite the relentless barrage of information and warnings from financial experts, the average American is in terrible financial shape. It turns out that human beings are just not wired to do the right things around money—such as saving and not overspending. That’s why financial success is so difficult to attain. When it...
A look at the psychological barriers to financial success and how to create a better financial future When it comes to our relationship with money, we are in the Stone Age. Despite the relentless barrage of information and warnings from financial experts, the average American is in terrible financial shape. It turns out that human beings are just not wired to do the right things around money—such as saving and not overspending. That’s why financial success is so difficult to attain. When it...
Teach your children to make sound financial decisions. Prepare them to use their money wisely and with a purpose Money issues challenge every family, no matter their background. That’s why Money Minded Families: How to Raise Financially Well Children offers advice on how every adult and child can be «financially well.» The book explores how we can align our individual values with finances, while planning for a more secure financial future. It looks at how we can save, spend, share, and...
Teach your children to make sound financial decisions. Prepare them to use their money wisely and with a purpose Money issues challenge every family, no matter their background. That’s why Money Minded Families: How to Raise Financially Well Children offers advice on how every adult and child can be «financially well.» The book explores how we can align our individual values with finances, while planning for a more secure financial future. It looks at how we can save, spend, share, and...
Книга Роберта Кийосаки заставит нас отказаться от стереотипа, что мы должны постоянно едва сводить концы с концами. Истинное финансовое образование дает вам шанс зажить такой жизнью, о которой вы всегда мечтали. Роберт Кийосаки призывает вас изменить то единственное, что вам под силу изменить, – себя.
Для широкого круга читателей.
Все мы хотим быть финансово независимыми, но лишь немногие знают, как этого добиться. Для остальных же надежным подспорьем может послужить данная книга. Ее автор постарался как можно доходчивее расширить кругозор читателей в плане финансовой грамотности и научить их основным правилам обращения с деньгами. Как организовать контроль над расходами, как создать пассивный доход, в каком банке открыть вклад, какие приобретать облигации – об этих и других вещах он рассуждает со знанием дела, поскольку...