Известный американский журналист и писатель Тед Шварц рассказывает невероятную историю одного из самых жестоких насильников и убийц США, прозванного Хиллсайдским душителем.
Whether you're a professional or a student, you need this quick reference that will teach you how to create a case brief. This is a step-by-step guide on what information is needed to create a compelling brief that demands the attention and understanding. The inclusion of actual examples furthers nails the points of this reference. Grab a copy today!
Уважаемый читатель! Если Вы взяли в руки эту книгу, вполне вероятно, что у Вас или Ваших близких возникли проблемы, для решения которых требуются юридические знания, профессиональные умения и навыки. И, по всей видимости, перед Вами стоит выбор: обратиться за оказанием юридической помощи к адвокату или самостоятельно попытаться выйти из положения. Конечно, приглашать адвоката для защиты ваших прав в сложной жизненной ситуации или нет, решать Вам. Но прежде чем Вы примите решение, Вам нужно найти...
This Special Report offers a research-based view into the importance of soft skills for modern lawyers and how law firms develop essential soft skills – whether to comply with SRA rules, to lead productive teams, to provide the best service to clients or to grow their practice. Through interviews with lawyers, leaders and human resource professionals at large and small firms, the report provides an overview of the essential soft skills required by modern lawyers, competency frameworks and...
This Special Report offers a research-based view into the importance of soft skills for modern lawyers and how law firms develop essential soft skills – whether to comply with SRA rules, to lead productive teams, to provide the best service to clients or to grow their practice. Through interviews with lawyers, leaders and human resource professionals at large and small firms, the report provides an overview of the essential soft skills required by modern lawyers, competency frameworks and...
Whether you're a professional or a student, you need this quick reference that will teach you how to create a case brief. This is a step-by-step guide on what information is needed to create a compelling brief that demands the attention and understanding. The inclusion of actual examples furthers nails the points of this reference. Grab a copy today!