“By Berwen Banks” is an 1899 novel by Allen Raine. Set in Wales, the story revolves around the relationship between Caradoc Wynne and orphan Valmai Powell. “By Berwen Banks” is a charming Victorian romance story that captures the innocence of times long past and explores the struggle between language, gender, culture, and religion common in contemporary Welsh villages. Contents include: “Berwen Banks”, “The House on the Cliff”, “The Sassiwn”, “The Storm”, “Gwynne Ellis Arrives”, “Corwen and...
Can You Forgive Her? is a novel by Anthony Trollope. It is the first of six novels in the «Palliser» series. The novel follows three parallel stories of courtship and marriage and the decisions of three strong women: Alice Vavasor, her cousin Glencora Palliser, and her aunt Arabella Greenow. Early on, Alice asks the question «What should a woman do with her life?» This theme repeats itself in the dilemmas faced by the other women in the novel. Lady Glencora and her husband Plantagenet Palliser...
Can You Forgive Her? is a novel by Anthony Trollope. It is the first of six novels in the «Palliser» series. The novel follows three parallel stories of courtship and marriage and the decisions of three strong women: Alice Vavasor, her cousin Glencora Palliser, and her aunt Arabella Greenow. Early on, Alice asks the question «What should a woman do with her life?» This theme repeats itself in the dilemmas faced by the other women in the novel. Lady Glencora and her husband Plantagenet Palliser...
Can You Forgive Her? is a novel by Anthony Trollope. It is the first of six novels in the «Palliser» series. The novel follows three parallel stories of courtship and marriage and the decisions of three strong women: Alice Vavasor, her cousin Glencora Palliser, and her aunt Arabella Greenow. Early on, Alice asks the question «What should a woman do with her life?» This theme repeats itself in the dilemmas faced by the other women in the novel. Lady Glencora and her husband Plantagenet Palliser...
Can You Forgive Her? is a novel by Anthony Trollope. It is the first of six novels in the «Palliser» series. The novel follows three parallel stories of courtship and marriage and the decisions of three strong women: Alice Vavasor, her cousin Glencora Palliser, and her aunt Arabella Greenow. Early on, Alice asks the question «What should a woman do with her life?» This theme repeats itself in the dilemmas faced by the other women in the novel. Lady Glencora and her husband Plantagenet Palliser...
Candide is a French satirical novella first published in 1759 by Voltaire. It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life and being indoctrinated in “optimism” by his mentor, Professor Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt finish of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow, painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world. It concludes with Candide advocating a deeply practical precept, we must cultivate our garden, in lieu of the...