Peter Pan is a character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie. A mischievous boy who can fly and never ages, Peter Pan spends his never-ending childhood adventuring on the small island of Neverland…
Polite Forms was written between January, 2008 and June, 2011. Although the whole sequence is, perhaps self-evidently, it is a meditation on family life written from the perspective of a man in his early fifties.
Шагаешь в ногу со временем, если на твоей футболке – портрет Че Гевары. И не важно, что ты не выговариваешь его имя. Пользуешься уважением однокурсников, если ты неформал и антиглобалист. И ничего, что ты и товарищи тайком друг от друга посещаете заведение фаст-фуда. Но что случится, если идейные собратья узнают, что твоя возлюбленная – дочь главного городского капиталиста, а твое место работы – оплот буржуинства? Трудный выбор встал перед Алешей в канун совершения антигламурного бунта. Что...
libreka classics – These are classics of literary history, reissued and made available to a wide audience. Immerse yourself in well-known and popular titles!
"Roderick Hudson" is the coming-of-age story of its title character, a young sculptor who falls under the patronage of Rowland Mallet. Rowland, who is about to depart for Europe, offers to pay for Roderick to come along so that he may study in Italy and improve his art. Originally published serially in «The Atlantic Monthly» during 1875, «Roderick Hudson» is Henry James' story of the development of an artist and the development of a man.
A fallen woman would seem a less-than-ideal choice for a Victorian heroine. Elizabeth Gaskell courageously created just such a portrait in her Ruth. Overturning the conventional assumption that a woman once seduced is condemned to exclusion from respectable society, Gaskell draws a heroine whose emotional honesty, innate morality, and the love she shares with her illegitimate son are suffi cient for redemption.