When Helen Honeycutt falls in love with Emmet Justice, a charismatic television journalist who has recently lost his wife in a tragic accident, their sudden marriage creates a rift between her new husband and his oldest friends, who resent Helen’s intrusion into their tightly knit circle. Hoping to mend fences, the newlyweds join the group for a summer at his late wife’s family home in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Helen soon falls under the spell not only of the little mountain town and...
Miss Hazel and the Rosa Parks League is a brilliant reimagining and republication of Jonathan Odell’s debut novel, The View from Delphi. Set in pre-Civil Rights Mississippi, and inspired by his Mississippi childhood, Odell tells the story of two young mothers, Hazel and Vida – one wealthy and white and the other poor and black – who have only two things in common: the devastating loss of their children, and a deep and abiding loathing for one another. Embittered and distrusting, Vida is...
When looking for advice or seeking an answer, where do you turn? Do you have a trusted ally, a respected colleague or wise relative who gives you insight? Or do you look within? Tangible Intuition – Clarity Through Body Insights is an interactive guidebook that will help you clearly understand how intuition speaks. You will learn how to read your body's insights so that you are better able to make solid decisions, gain deeper confidence, and be more successful in all areas of your life....
The Friday Night Debrief is a romantic comedy that follows Kylie McManus as she leaves her home town of Mount Isa to take a job in Townsville. Alone in a new town, 27-year-old Kylie struggles to find herself and the life she so desperately wants. Hitting rock bottom, she makes a decision to turn bad situations into positive ones. She also joins a sport – Outrigging. One Friday night Kylie invites some of her teammates back to her flat for drinks and to debrief about their weeks. This becomes...
"Aber wir verstehen nicht. Oder glauben, nicht zu verstehen. Oder wir verstehen, können aber nicht sagen, was eigentlich." "Kafka erscheint uns rätselhaft, dabei schreibt er doch eigentlich in einer schlichten Prosa, seine Schilderungen sind präzise, seine Personen reden in einfachen Worten und es wird weder um das, was sie tun, noch um das, was sie reden, noch um das, was ihnen zustößt, ein großes Gewese gemacht. Aber wir verstehen nicht. Oder glauben, nicht zu verstehen. Oder wir...
Es gibt diesen Moment, in dem das eigene Universum zerbricht und weit und breit kein neues in Sicht ist: Eine junge Frau sitzt mittellos und nahezu dehydriert vor einer Tankstelle im Death Valley. Als plötzlich ein Indianer vor ihr steht und ihr das Leben retten will, glaubt sie zu phantasieren. Doch das Universum setzt sich nach seinen eigenen Regeln wieder zusammen. Schon bald teilen sich die beiden einen Doppelwhopper, gehen gemeinsam ins Casino und stranden schließlich in einem dieser...
Konrad Beikircher über Ovid «Liebeskunst»: Die Schule, die ich in Bozen besuchte, war das Franziskanergymnasium und dieses legte Wert auf Latein und Altgriechisch. Ich gestehe: auch wenn ich kein As war, habe ich beides gerne gemacht. Was mich allerdings damals immer schon belustigt hat, war dieses hölzerne Altphilologen-Deutsch, in dem die Übersetzungen dahergestelzt kamen. Mit dem Abitur war das natürlich erst mal vergessen, bis ich mit zunehmendem Alter immer mehr die Schönheit und...
Über die leidenschaftlichste Großmutter aller Zeiten Jenseits des Urals herrschen klare Verhältnisse: Die Tatarin Rosalinda bestimmt, ihr Gatte Kalganow spurt, und ihre Tochter Sulfia benimmt sich schlecht. Es mangelt an vielem, aber nicht an Ideen, und schon gar nicht an Willenskraft. Es steht also immer etwas Scharfes auf dem Tisch, und alle größeren Malheurs, die Sulfia anrichten könnte, werden verhindert. Nur ihre Schwangerschaft nicht, und auch nicht die Geburt von Aminat, dem genauen...
Part prophecy and part erotic fantasy, this classic tale of otherworldly depravity features New York itself—or a foreigner's nightmare of New York—as its true protagonist. Set in the towers and tunnels of the quintessential American city, Alain Robbe-Grillet's novel turns this urban space into a maze where politics bleeds into perversion, revolution into sadism, activist into criminal, vice into art—and back again. Following the logic of a movie half-glimpsed through a haze of drugs...
Mathilde Lewly—a female painter at the dawn of the twentieth century—has achieved notoriety among the Parisian avant-garde. She and her husband, also a talented young artist, pursue their separate visions side by side in a Clichy atelier, galvanized by the artistic ferment that surrounds them. But the couple are threatened by the shadow of Mathilde's little sister, Eugénie: since the two girls' sudden departure from their native England, Eugénie has been determined to vault the eight...
Arguably Gordon Lish's masterpiece, Peru begins with its narrator announcing, «There is nothing which I will not tell you if I can think of it.» Gradually, the story of a dark childhood secret—real or imagined—unfolds: in 1940, six-year-old Gordon murdered his harelipped rival, Steven Adinoff, in a Long Island sandbox . . . (unless he didn't). Peru's narrator weaves together strands of disconnected, mesmerizing trivia, resurrecting memories of the mundane suburban childhood that...
A woman falls into a coma. Perhaps she's going to die. Becoming the sleeper's shadow, the woman's daughter will accompany her mother through six weeks of agony, bearing witness to the prolonged death imposed upon her by the monstrous machine of modern medicine. During this final voyage through the fog, the narrator attempts to recover the vivacious woman she knew before this illness: the mad lover, the romantic spouse, the musician who sacrificed her dreams to the reality of life...