Blood Ties Book Three: Ashes To Ashes Jennifer Armintrout

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Jennifer Armintrout - Blood Ties Book Three: Ashes To Ashes краткое содержание

Love Sookie Stackhouse and Bella Swan? It's time to meet newly turned-vampire Carrie Ames. Being a vampire is a life-or-death situation. When I was first turned, I had only my survival to worry about. Now I'm locked in a battle for the existence of the entire human race – and the cards are definitely stacked against me.The Voluntary Vampire Extinction Movement headquarters are destroyed, and their pet horror, the Oracle, is on the loose. She'll stop at nothing to turn the world into a vampire's paradise, even if it means helping the Soul Eater become a god and harnessing his power for her own evil ends.An ancient vampire, a blood-sucking near deity and oh, yeah, my presently human former sire Cyrus thrown into the mix. I say bring it on. May the best monster win.

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