Sound Of Fear Marta Perry

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Marta Perry - Sound Of Fear краткое содержание

In the sweet subtle wind of a Pennsylvania Dutch town, a lost woman and a man of duty will risk their lives to uncover her true identityThe foundation of Amanda Curtis’s very existence cracks the moment she discovers the woman she thought was her mother had never given birth. Where she belongs is a question she can’t put to rest. But when the clues lead her to a charming yet chilling small town, the threat against her begins to unfold.Trey Addison is a fixture in Echo Falls. The place and the people are his to protect. He was born to take his place in the family legal firm, but now that a stranger desperate to unlock her past is depending on him, he’s forced to make an impossible choice. If Trey doesn’t protect Amanda, she’ll walk straight into a deadly trap. If he helps her expose the secrets that haunt her, the truth could shatter them both.

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