Business Intelligence 100 Success Secrets - 100 Most Asked Questions: The Missing BI software, Tools, Consulting and Solutions Guide Gerard Blokdijk

Business Intelligence 100 Success Secrets - 100 Most Asked Questions: The Missing BI software, Tools, Consulting and Solutions Guide скачать fb2

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Gerard Blokdijk - Business Intelligence 100 Success Secrets - 100 Most Asked Questions: The Missing BI software, Tools, Consulting and Solutions Guide краткое содержание

There has never been a Business Intelligence manual like this. 100 Success Secrets is not about the ins and outs of Business Intelligence. Instead, it answers the top 100 questions that we are asked and those we come across in forums, our consultancy and education programs. It tells you exactly how to deal with those questions, with tips that have never before been offered in print. This book is also not about Business Intelligence's best practice and standards details. Instead, it introduces everything you want to know to be successful with Business Intelligence.

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