Jennie Paul Gallico

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Paul Gallico - Jennie краткое содержание

“If in doubt, wash!”What is it like to be a cat? Find out in this classic animal story from the renowned writer Paul Gallico.Peter Brown longs for a pet cat. One day, he is following a stray cat through the streets when he is knocked down and seriously hurt. On waking, he is astonished to find that he has turned into a cat… The world is a dangerous place for him, but luckily he is rescued and befriended by Jennie, a kindly stray tabby who has been abandoned by her owners. Adventures wait around every corner for the two new friends, as Jennie teaches Peter all about life as a cat.Humorous and touching, and packed with acutely observed feline behaviour, this is a beloved classic that’s essential for any cat-lover.

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