Finally a Hero Pamela Tracy

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Pamela Tracy - Finally a Hero краткое содержание

Suddenly a DaddyJesse Campbell's determined to forget his past. He's moving to a dude ranch in Arizona to start getting his act together. Parenthood isn't part of the picture–until Jesse meets the son he didn't know he had. Now Jesse has some new goals: learning to be a good father–and a good man. The kind of man Eva Hubrecht, his boss's daughter, can trust. He knows Eva isn't happy about Jesse and Timmy coming to the Lost Dutchman Ranch, but the little boy soon starts to win her heart. Jesse can only hope that with time and patience, this rancher's daughter will find room in her life for him, too.The Rancher's Daughters: Sisters find hope, love and redemption in the Arizona desert. The Rancher's Daughters flash to comeJesse Campbell's determined to forget his past. He's moving to a dude ranch in Arizona to start getting his act together. Parenthood isn't part of the picture–until Jesse meets the son he didn't know he had. Now Jesse has some new goals: learning to be a good father–and a good man. The kind of man Eva Hubrecht, his boss's daughter, can trust. He knows Eva isn't happy about Jesse and Timmy coming to the Lost Dutchman Ranch, but the little boy soon starts to win her heart. Jesse can only hope that with time and patience, this rancher's daughter will find room in her life for him, too.The Rancher's Daughters: Sisters find hope, love and redemption in the Arizona desert.

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