Dow's Chemical Exposure Index Guide American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE)

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American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) - Dow's Chemical Exposure Index Guide краткое содержание

Dow Chemical developed the Chemical Exposure Index to help its engineers design and operate safer facilities. This seminal guide to rating the relative acute health hazard potential of a chemical release to workers and the neighboring community is available to the chemical process community. The index uses a methodology for estimating airborne quantity released, which allows for more sophisticated process analyses. Special Details: Softcover. The Dow Chemical Exposure Index and the Dow Fire and Explosion Index Hazard Classification Guide and the are designed to complement each other, helping engineers evaluate the total hazard potential of new installations These guides are invaluable resources for process design engineers, plant managers, and others involved in the safe design and operation of chemical plants. Don't take your plant's safety analysis only halfway–Purchase both books and take $10 off the combined list price.

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