Why Christians Should Care about Their Jewish Roots Nancy Petrey

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Nancy Petrey - Why Christians Should Care about Their Jewish Roots краткое содержание

Why should you care about the Jewish roots of Christianity? Jesus was Jewish. Most of the Bible was written by Jews and in Hebrew. Most of the early Christian leaders were Jews. Even Paul, called the Apostle to the Gentiles, would visit the synagogue first and preach there, and he wrote with great passion about his hope for his own people. Many modern Christians have forgotten about their Jewish roots. They may not formally rip pieces out of their Bibles, but much like the early Christian heretic Marcion, they act as though these portions of scripture no longer apply. They don't read them, study them, preach from them, or apply them. As a result, they often do not understand the New Testament correctly. Nancy Petrey has a passion both for the Jewish people and for calling Christians to understand their Jewish roots. In the pages of this short book, you'll get a taste of the way in which Christian history and belief has Jewish roots. You'll be blessed if you learn to recognize those roots.

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