Lament for Julie Robert Colby

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Robert Colby - Lament for Julie краткое содержание

Playing With Dynamite <P> Tormented by a satin-skinned package of dynamite who offered him ecstasy unfettered by convention…Bedeviled by another woman who wanted a master…Given 12 hours to get out of town–And then framed for murder… <P> This was the grim situation faced by Todd Corwin shortly after he came to Longport seeking Julie Steadman&apos;s killer. <P> If he cleared out of town he was sure of safety. If he stayed, nothing was certain except more trouble with the police and a deepening involvement with the Vollmer clan– <P> Austin, who owns everything in town including the cops…Joy, Austin&apos;s wife, who took men where she found them…and Gail, the step-daughter, who would risk anything to take Todd away from Joy."

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