Читать книгу онлайн City Killing - автор Mike Walker или скачать бесплатно и без регистрации в формате fb2. Роман написан в году, в жанре . Читаемые, полные версии книг, без сокращений, на сайте - библиотека бесплатных книг Knigism.online. Вы можете скачать издание полностью и открыть в любой читалке, на свой телефон или айфон, а также читать произведение без интернета.
2D Monoelements: Properties and Applications explores the challenges, research progress and future developments of the basic idea of two-dimensional monoelements, classifications, and application in field-effect transistors for sensing and biosensing. The thematic topics include investigations such as: Recent advances in phosphorene The diverse properties of two-dimensional antimonene, of graphene and its derivatives The molecular docking simulation study used to analyze the binding...
Explore current and future perspectives of 3D printing for the fabrication of high value-added complex devices 3D Printing for Energy Applications delivers an insightful and cutting-edge exploration of the applications of 3D printing to the fabrication of complex devices in the energy sector. The book covers aspects related to additive manufacturing of functional materials with applicability in the energy sector. It reviews both the technology of printable materials and 3D printing...