Verdict: Daddy Charlotte Douglas

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Charlotte Douglas - Verdict: Daddy краткое содержание

Daddy Material?Blake Adams thinks he's dreaming when he wakes up to find a beautiful baby girl on his doorstep. With her curly red hair and sparkling green eyes, «Annie» quickly makes an indelible impression on his hardened heart.Needing advice, Blake turns to the only person he feels he can trust: criminal attorney Marissa Mason. It's been years since he's seen his childhood friend, and it's clear this stunning woman is no longer the tomboy of their youth.Now, with Marissa looking into Annie's mysterious arrival, Blake can't imagine letting either of them go. And when she unearths a shattering twist to Annie's birth, Blake knows his fate is sealed–and that his future is not going to be spent alone.Fatherhood: Dedicated father and darling daughter–what an unbeatable combination!

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