Sergeant Darling Bonnie Gardner

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Bonnie Gardner - Sergeant Darling краткое содержание

Mission Impossible?Nurse Patsy Pritchard wears her hospital uniform like camouflage gear, hiding a lonely heart she's declared off-limits to the men who try to get close. Then her eccentric aunt concocts a campaign with a handsome sergeant in mind, and Patsy knows her conflicts will only get worse–unless there's an unconditional surrender.Ray Darling has seen his share of hot spots and tough places, but getting through to the lovely blue-eyed blonde may be the hardest challenge yet. And just when his hopes appear to be more than dreams, he's sent overseas–and the gulf between him and Patsy is wider than ever….When two people are caught up in their own private wars, they just might need unconventional tactics to conquer the obstacles ahead!

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