The Secret Agent's Surprises Tina Leonard

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Серия: The Morgan Men
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Tina Leonard - The Secret Agent's Surprises краткое содержание

The blackest sheep of the Morgan clan came home to Texas to collect his inheritance…not start a family.But there's a family already waiting for him! Four orphaned quadruplets in need of a loving home are pretty hard to resist. The hitch? To adopt them, Pete needs a wife. And Priscilla Perkins could be the ideal candidate….She may be wildly attracted to the globe-hopping secret agent, but Priscilla isn't going to be lassoed into marriage by Pete or his matchmaking father. Even if it is just a temporary engagement. And even if the tiny babies are calling to something deep inside her.Priscilla may not think Pete is husband material, but he knows she'd make a super mom. With five angels stealing his heart, it's a scenario no man can resist!

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