Success In the Vegetarian Eatery Vincent Gabriel

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This book marks the fact that vegetarian food has gone mainstream. At one time associated with devotees of Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism vegetarian food has been accepted by the health conscious and by the public, in general, as food that is healthy and a clear alternative to the other types of eating and drinking lifestyles. As more people accept the lifestyle, the amount of food will be increased to meet the diversified demands of vegetarian customers.<br><br>Vincent A. Gabriel has written and spoken widely about food. He shares his experience in helping newbies get into the vegetarian food business. As mentioned in the preface vegetarian food is widely accepted as the alternative to what is currently available. As more customers become aware of vegetarian choices, the opportunities for newbies will multiply.<br>It is my pleasure to be able to serve you and share with you the experience gained. The most important experience is reading a booklet by Fr John Dear, S.J. who advocates vegetarianism for the following reasons:<br>&#165; Vegetarianism As a Way to Help End World Hunger<br>&#165; Vegetarianism As a Way to Protect the Earth<br>&#165; Vegetarianism as a Path to Health and Wholeness<br>&#165; Vegetarianism As a Way to Support Human Rights

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