The Irresistible Offer. How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less Mark Joyner

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Mark Joyner - The Irresistible Offer. How to Sell Your Product or Service in 3 Seconds or Less краткое содержание

Your customers are going to give you three seconds to make the sale. Do you know what to say in those three seconds? The marketing methods of the past are losing effectiveness as consumers are getting smarter and smarter and have less and less time. What is needed is a new way of doing business-a method that is simultaneously socially responsible and far more effective than «old» marketing. This new way is The Irresistible Offer. «The Irresistible Offer is the missing link in many marketing books.» —Joe Sugarman, Chairman, BluBlocker Corporation «The Irresistible Offer reveals secret after proven secret guaranteed to pump fresh power into your sales process.» —John Du Cane, CEO, Dragon Door Publications, Inc. «As the world's fastest reader (Guinness Book certified) I've read just about every business and marketing book in existence. The Irresistible Offer by Mark Joyner is, by far, the easiest and most powerful. If you want to make a profitable business (any business small or large), The Irresistible Offer should be your starting point.» —Howard Berg, «The World's Fastest Reader» «I've read every book on marketing printed in the last 150 years. This is the first breakthrough in over fifty years.» —Dr. Joe Vitale, author of The Attractor Factor «If I had to choose one modern marketing genius to learn from, it would be Mark Joyner. The Irresistible Offer belongs in the hands of everyone wanting to wildly succeed in business.» —Randy Gilbert, a.k.a. «Dr. Proactive» host of The Inside Success Show

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