Surface Modification of Nanotube Fillers Vikas Mittal

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Vikas Mittal - Surface Modification of Nanotube Fillers краткое содержание

The book series «Polymer Nano-, Micro- and Macrocomposites» provides complete and comprehensive information on all important aspects of polymer composite research and development, including, but not limited to, synthesis, filler modification, modeling, characterization as well as application and commercialization issues. Each book focuses on a particular topic and gives a balanced in-depth overview of the respective subfield of polymer composite science and its relation to industrial applications. With the books the readers obtain dedicated resources with infomation relevant to their research, thereby helping to save time and money. In this first volume in the series, authors from leading academic institutions and companies share their first-hand knowledge of nanotube-surface enhancements for use in polymer composites. All the important methods for the functionalization of nanotube fillers, including polymer wrapping, non-covalent modification with nanoparticles, silica layers or entrapped micelles, chemically induced growth of multilayers, techniques based on covalent bonding, such as polmer or quantum dot attachment, and direct polymerization approaches are covered.

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