Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians Amy Johnson

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Amy Johnson - Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians краткое содержание

Small Animal Pathology for Veterinary Technicians fosters an understanding of small animal diseases, relating pathology information to the responsibilities of technicians in the clinical setting. Beginning with the technician’s role in pathology, terminology, and the process of diagnosis, chapters then cover diseases organized by system. From reproductive, endocrine, and eye disease to urinary tract and infectious diseases, the book offers in-depth information on a wide range of commonly presented diseases, providing technicians with practical information linked to their daily tasks. Each body system includes a brief review of anatomy and function, full-color pictures, and tip boxes to help emphasize important issues. A companion website offers images from the book, review questions, and case studies illustrating the process of handling the patient at Veterinary technician students and veterinary technicians in practice will find this a valuable resource to understanding disease and the process of diagnosis.

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