Equitable Resource Allocation. Models, Algorithms and Applications Hanan Luss

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Hanan Luss - Equitable Resource Allocation. Models, Algorithms and Applications краткое содержание

A unique book that specifically addresses equitable resource allocation problems with applications in communication networks, manufacturing, emergency services, and more Resource allocation problems focus on assigning limited resources in an economically beneficial way among competing activities. Solutions to such problems affect people and everyday activities with significant impact on the private and public sectors and on society at large. Using diverse application areas as examples, Equitable Resource Allocation: Models, Algorithms, and Applications provides readers with great insight into a topic that is not widely known in the field. Starting with an overview of the topics covered, the book presents a large variety of resource allocation models with special mathematical structures and provides elegant, efficient algorithms that compute optimal solutions to these models. Authored by one of the leading researchers in the field, Equitable Resource Allocation: Is the only book that provides a comprehensive exposition of equitable resource allocation problems Presents a collection of resource allocation models with applications in communication networks, transportation, content distribution, manufacturing, emergency services, and more Exhibits practical algorithms for solving a variety of resource allocation models Uses real-world applications and examples to explain important concepts Includes end-of-chapter exercises Bringing together much of the equitable resource allocation research from the past thirty years, this book is a valuable reference for anyone interested in solving diverse optimization problems.

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