Medical Genetics at a Glance Korf Bruce R.

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Korf Bruce R. - Medical Genetics at a Glance краткое содержание

Medical Genetics at a Glance covers the core scientific principles necessary for an understanding of medical genetics and its clinical applications, while also considering the social implications of genetic disorders. This third edition has been fully updated to include the latest developments in the field, covering the most common genetic anomalies, their diagnosis and management, in clear, concise and revision-friendly sections to complement any health science course. Medical Genetics at a Glance now has a completely revised structure, to make its content even more accessible. Other features include: • Three new chapters on Gene Identification, The Biology of Cancer, and Genomic Approaches to Cancer • A much extended treatment of Biochemical Genetics • A completely revised chapter on The Cell Cycle, explaining principles of biochemistry and genetics which are fundamental to understanding cancer causation • Two new chapters on Cardiac Developmental Pathology • An extended Case Studies section Providing a broad understanding of one of the most rapidly progressing topics in medicine, Medical Genetics at a Glance is perfect for students of medicine, molecular biology, genetics and genetic counselling, and is a previous winner of a BMA Award.

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