Reunited Kate Hoffmann

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Kate Hoffmann - Reunited краткое содержание

A woman seeking her pastAfter growing up an only child, Keely McClain Quinn is amazed to learn that she has not only a father–but six older brothers, too! But Keely has to be careful. After all, something must have happened so many years ago. So she decides to check out her long-lost relations incognito, and finds a family–and a lover….A stranger poised to destroy itRafe Kendrick has only one goal in life–to get revenge on the Quinns. And he's not going to be sidetracked by anything or anyone…until he falls hard and fast for the pretty new waitress working at Quinn's Pub. Still, Rafe can't put aside his need for retribution. He puts his plan into action…and then discovers the woman in his bed is a Quinn, too….

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