The Mighty Quinns: Ian Kate Hoffmann

The Mighty Quinns: Ian скачать fb2

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Kate Hoffmann - The Mighty Quinns: Ian краткое содержание

Police chief Ian Quinn is used to dealing with the unexpected.But when free-spirited artist Marisol Arantes arrives in town, scandalizing the neighborhood with her blatant body of work, he doesn't know what to do with her—that is, until she shows him the joy of body paints….Marisol has never met a man like Ian. He's so strong, so upright…so irresistibly tempting. If only Marisol wasn't hiding a few secrets from her past—secrets that Ian, as an officer of the law, cannot find out….Still, with the blazing chemistry raging between them, keeping Ian distracted shouldn't be a problem….

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