Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes: The memoirs of a nursery nurse in the 1960s Pam Weaver

Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes: The memoirs of a nursery nurse in the 1960s скачать fb2

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Pam Weaver - Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes: The memoirs of a nursery nurse in the 1960s краткое содержание

A heart-warming memoir about life as a nursery nurse and nanny in the 1960s, for fans of Call the Midwife.In 1961, sixteen year-old Pam Weaver began her training as a nursery nurse. Drawn to this profession by her caring nature and a desire to earn her own living, Pam had no idea of the road she was about to start down. At the government-run nursery, she found early mornings, endless floors to scrub, overbearing matrons, heartbreaking stories of abandonment, true friends and life lessons that would stay with her for decades.Bath Times and Nursery Rhymes is Pam’s memoir about her time in state nurseries and as a Hyde Park private nanny. It will recount the highs and lows of that time with engaging and uplifting honesty.

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