I Know How A Butterfly Feels Ann Palmer

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Ann Palmer - I Know How A Butterfly Feels краткое содержание

Who doesn't fantasize about reuniting with their unrequited teenage love? It may be that it becomes more of a desire or secret yearning as we age. When we review our passing years we ask ourselves – «what if…» Few of us are granted that opportunity to try to recapture our past first love. Ann Palmer found him and shares that experience with you in I Know How A Butterfly Feels. How many men spend years longing to get behind the wheel of an RV and take just off for months of travel across most of the western United States? How many women wonder what it would be like to hop in a motor home and travel the U.S.A. alone? Ann did it and shares her ups and down experiences with you. What realizations can come out of a physical as well as an emotional journey within? Read I Know How A Butterfly Feels and see for yourself. Do you live in a Cocoon? About the Author: Ann Palmer began her TV career in Dallas, Texas in commercials and fashion modeling, which inspired her to take a chance on Hollywood. Torn between on camera performer and behind the scenes production, she did both for a number of years; including on camera in some 75 national commercials, many major films, including under contract to 20th Century Fox for Cleopatra, TV shows through the years, including 13 years on General Hospital. She was a producer for the Erwin-Wasey Ad Agency, a casting director, production assistant and worked all phases of pre and post production. Ann produced over 250 programs while at BHTV and continues now and then. She often tapes the places she visits for future productions. She is an ordained minister and also officiates at weddings.

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