Blackout Richard Heinberg

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Richard Heinberg - Blackout краткое содержание

– This book is extremely timely. In the rush to embrace coal as an energy alternative it is vital that we examine the implications of this not-so-clean energy alternative. – Richard Heinberg is among the best-known writers on the topic of Peak Oil. The Party's Over has sold over 50,000 copies and PowerDown: Options and Actions for a Post-Carbon World has sold 25,000 copies. He has given over 300 lectures on the topic. – Heinberg has been honored with a 2007 Gold IPPY award in the Current Events category for Peak Everything, the M. King Hubbert Award for Excellence in Energy Education (ASPO USA, 2006), and the Foreword Magazine Bronze Prize for Environmental Book of the Year (Powerdown, 2004). – This book will appeal to the thousands of readers and activists already concerned about Peak Oil, climate change, and other developing environmental crises.

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