Guns Illustrated 2011 Dan Shideler

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Dan Shideler - Guns Illustrated 2011 краткое содержание

YOUR GO-TO GUIDE FOR GUNS, AMMO & GEAR<p>Get the complete low-down on what&apos;s new in the shooting industry with <b><i>Guns Illustrated 2011</b></i>. Stuffed with photos and behind-the-scenes peeks at today&apos;s hottest guns and gear, <b><i>Guns Illustrated 2011</b></i> is an economical guide to the latest and greatest guns, shooting supplies and accessories. Before you spend another dollar on guns or gear, arm yourself with the facts-with <b><i>Guns Illustrated 2011</b></i>!<p> IT&apos;S ALL HERE! <li>Reports from the Field <li>Handguns <li>Rifles <li>Shotguns <li>Ammo <li>Reloading Supplies <li>Optics <li>Airguns <li>Black Powder <li>Informative Articles on Special-Interest Guns <li>Ballistics Tables <li>Manufacturers Directory <li>And more

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