The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest Dan Shideler

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Dan Shideler - The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest краткое содержание

The Greatest Gun Book of All Time Presents &#150 The Greatest Guns of All Time! <br>In <i>The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest&#174</i>! <p>For over six decades, <i>Gun Digest</i> has been the definitive guide to the world&apos;s greatest guns. Pistol and revolvers, rifles and shotguns, military and commercial arms &#150 all have been lovingly and lavishly featured in the pages of the world&apos;s greatest firearms annual, <i>Gun Digest</i>. <p>Now you can read the most detailed, most information-packed feature stories dealing with the world&apos;s greatest guns in one handy, entertaining volume. Compiled from 67 years of <i>Gun Digest</i> archives, <i>The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest</i> presents the most significant guns of all time, including<li>Paterson and Walker Colts<li>The Luger Pistol<li>The .44 Magnum. . .One Year Later (S&W M29)<li>Remington&apos;s XP-100<li>45 Auto Pistol<li>The Extraordinary Glock<li>Collecting Old Winchesters<li>World&apos;s Most Powerful Rifle<li>The Model 70 Winchester<li>The Winchester Model 94<li>Those Plastic Remingtons (Nylon 66)<li>Battle of the Automatics (Browning Double Auto/JC Higgins Model 60)<li>The Darne Gun<li>Winchester Model 42<li>The Thompson Submachinegun<li>The 1903 Springfield<li>The M16A2 <p>For the collector, for the shooter, for the fan of classic and special-interest guns, there&apos;s no other volume like <i>The Greatest Guns of Gun Digest</i>. It&apos;s a must-have addition to any shooter&apos;s library!

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