War is brewing against Poseidon and his kingdom. Tane, a Taniwha water god, a man of honor, decides to join in the war to help protect Poseidon and his kingdom. Then, he meets the beautiful Leia, Poseidon’s daughter, that keeps him distracted and on edge. She is everything a goddess should be: kind, caring, and beautiful. The daughter of Poseidon should be all-powerful! Leia, the goddess everyone seems to overlook. Yet, she never had or was anything special, until someone she loves is about to die. Then her true self comes out. No longer does she seem the sweet, innocent everyone took her for but the fierce goddess she was born to be. Danger lurks everywhere. A small group of honorable sea gods join with Poseidon against Paricia and Thalassa, the Egyptian god and goddess, and their evil clan that think they can take Poseidon’s throne. Battle, torture, and even death come to Poseidon’s closest friends, family, and allies. They band together to fight this evil even though this war is just beginning.
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