Let My People Go Albert Luthuli

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Albert Luthuli - Let My People Go краткое содержание

Albert Luthuli's extraordinary story is also that of the African National Congress, which he led for fifteen years. Luthuli's lively first-hand account tells of the repression and resistance that were to shape the South African political landscape forever: the Defiance Campaign – the first mass challenge to apartheid, the drafting of the Freedom Charter, the Treason Trial and the tragedies of Sharpeville and Langa. Albert Luthuli was the first black African man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. This book bears witness to Luthuli's unfailing humility, perseverance, and passionate commitment to the values of non-racialism and non-sexism. His vision, crucial to the shaping of the South Africa we live in today, continues to move and inspire.

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