Emily Hobhouse: Beloved Traitor Elsabé Brits

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Elsabé Brits - Emily Hobhouse: Beloved Traitor краткое содержание

A fresh, nuanced look at an extraordinary woman and her lifelong fight for justice. Defying the constraints of her gender and class, Emily Hobhouse travelled across continents and spoke out against oppression. A passionate pacifist and a feminist, she opposed both the 1899-1902 Anglo-Boer War and World War One, which led to accusations of treason. Despite saving thousands of lives in two wars, she died alone – an unsung hero in her own country. Elsabé Brits travelled in Emily Hobhouse's footsteps, retracing her inspirational, often astonishing story. In Canada the author discovered Hobhouse's handwritten notebooks, scrapbooks and letters in a trunk. With Emily Hobhouse: Beloved Traitor, she brings to life a colourful story of war, heroism and passion, spanning three continents.

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