So You Want to Build a Startup Matthew Buckland

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Matthew Buckland - So You Want to Build a Startup краткое содержание

‘Successful people who pretend they have it all worked out and have executed flawless plans to get to their objective – are not being truthful. Be careful of these posers … In reality, business and life is a series of successes and setbacks.’ After bailing out of the corporate world, new-media journalist Matthew Buckland built a digital-marketing and media business, Creative Spark, that employed 70+ people and counted top global and local brands as clients. He fulfilled many an entrepreneur’s dream when, after five years, he sold his baby for millions to one of the most famous names in global advertising: the listed UK group M&C Saatchi. But a few years later, he was out on his own again with a new venture – and now with an unexpected battle to fight, the biggest of his life. 'So You Want to Build a Startup?' is a frank, refreshing account of the difficulties – and the fun – of building a business. It is filled with practical advice for entrepreneurs on how to open the door to opportunity, life lessons, and insights into South Africa’s own dotcom boom and bust. Expect tales of crazy business expansion, wacky characters, management failures and personal growth as well as a complete ecosystem overview for South African startups.

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