Start & Run an Adult Boutique Karen Bedinger

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Karen Bedinger - Start & Run an Adult Boutique краткое содержание

The adult boutique business is a billion-dollar industry in North America. Adult boutiques are no longer hidden down back alleyways, they are mainstream&8212;they can now be found in upscale shopping centers and neighborhoods as well as online! Adult boutiques provide comfortable atmospheres in which both men and women can shop freely. This means there is a great opportunity for people who want to sell adult products. Start & Run an Adult Boutique shows you step-by-step how to write a business plan, deal with tax and legal issues, order products, and market your business. The download kit included with the book has a resource guide that will point you in the right direction of suppliers (of everything from massage oils to bachelorette party favors). Don’t get left out of this booming business that has no big-box competition! With the right product mix, the right atmosphere, and this book, you too can start and run a profitable adult boutique.

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