Brian O'driscoll Marcus Stead

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Marcus Stead - Brian O'driscoll краткое содержание

Brian O'Driscoll is the explosive captain of the 'golden generation' of Irish rugby and a renowned genius on the field. One of the top outside centres in the game, O'Driscoll first became captain of his country in 2003 and his phenomenal record includes consecutive triple crowns in 2006 and 2007 and, perhaps most memorably, in 2009 when he led Ireland to their first Grand Slam for the first time in 60 years. Voted 'Player of the Decade' in 2010 by Rugby World magazine, O'Driscoll has risen to become the most celebrated player in the sport today. Fully updated to include the 2009 British and Irish Lions tour, his wedding to actress Amy Huberman in 2010,the 2011 Six Nations and Lenister's thrilling victory in the Heineken Cup,Brian O'Driscoll – The Biography is the ultimate book about the Prince of Irish sport.

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