Every Split Second Counts - My Life with Fast Carts, Fast Women and F1 Superstars Martin Hines

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Martin Hines - Every Split Second Counts - My Life with Fast Carts, Fast Women and F1 Superstars краткое содержание

Martin Hines is the man who discovered the sensational and talented F1 World Champion Lewis Hamilton. He is the world's most successful kart driver with 17 major championships including three world titles and five European, the last of which he won at the age of 56 after beating cancer. Along the way he discovered and nurtured F1 superstars like David Coulthard, Anthony Davidson and Lewis Hamilton, and future stars Gary Paffett and Oliver Rowland. He built Zip Karts into the industry's most influential company, at the forefront of sport-changing innovations like indoor karting. But his autobiography is far more than the story of a successful kart king. The action will leave you breathless and the anecdotes will make you laugh. This is a must read book for motorsport lovers and also for everyone who appreciates a life lived as though every split second counts.

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