The Physics of Destructive Earthquakes Frederick William Thomas

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Серия: IOP Concise Physics
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Frederick William Thomas - The Physics of Destructive Earthquakes краткое содержание

This book is a concise introduction to the interactions between earthquakes and human-built structures (buildings, dams, bridges, power plants, pipelines and more). It focuses on the ways in which these interactions illustrate the application of basic physics principles and concepts, including inertia, force, shear, energy, acceleration, elasticity, friction and stability. It illustrates how conceptual and quantitative physics emerges in the day-to-day work of engineers, drawing from examples from regions and events which have experienced very violent earthquakes with massive loss of life and property. The authors of this book, a physics educator, a math educator, and a geotechnical engineer have set off on what might be considered a mining expedition; searching for ways in which introductory physics topics and methods can be better connected with careers of interest to non-physics majors. They selected «destructive earthquakes» as a place to begin because they are interesting and because future engineers represent a significant portion of the non-physics majors in introductory physics courses. Avoiding the extremes of treating applied physics either as a purely hands-on, conceptual experience or as a lengthy capstone project for learners who have become masters; the application in this book can be scattered throughout a broader physics course or individual learning experience.

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