Aging Successfully David P. Gallagher

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David P. Gallagher - Aging Successfully краткое содержание

Aging Successfully offers suggestions for greater satisfaction and happiness for people over age fifty. It raises spiritual and emotional issues such as how to deal with depression and gives specific action steps. This book is packed full of practical help; it is a road map for aging, especially during economically challenging days. This practical, easy-to-read book provides wisdom and time-tested counsel for a happy and highly productive second half of life. When Dave Gallagher was considering retirement, he wanted help with financial planning and retirement living options, so he began compiling resources. Dr. Gallagher combines the information he gained with principles that he gained in working with hundreds of people over the years, and compiled them into this book. The principles come from personal experience, research, and helping people age successfully. The author draws from his experience of ten years as senior pastor in an age-restricted community designed to reach people over age fifty.

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