Noise and Fluctuations D. K. C. MacDonald

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D. K. C. MacDonald - Noise and Fluctuations краткое содержание

An understanding of fluctuations and their role is both useful and fundamental to the study of physics. This concise study of random processes offers graduate students and research physicists a survey that encompasses both the relationship of Brownian Movement with statistical mechanics and the problem of irreversible processes. It outlines the basics of the physics involved, without the strictures of mathematical rigor.The three-part treatment starts with a general survey of Brownian Movement, including electrical Brownian Movement and «shot-noise,» Part two explores correlation, frequency spectrum, and distribution function, with particular focus on application to Brownian Movement. The final section examines noise in electric currents, including noise in vacuum tubes and a random rectangular current. Frequent footnotes amplify the text, along with an extensive selection of Appendixes.

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